Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Letter I Wrote Against Targeting Americans

A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people. - President John F. Kennedy

President Barack Obama
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
Washington, DC 20500

 Dear Mr. President,

I am writing you about the ongoing Official practice of targeting American Citizens just because of what they say; I urge you to immediately stop all illegal, immoral, counterproductive and unneeded means to fight terrorism.

Example: US-born cleric Anwar al-Awlaqi, described by US officials as “the most significant risk” to the United States, was killed [in Yemen] on Friday [9/30/11] in what was called a “significant blow”

"A significant blow" all right - a significant blow to the rule of law and our precious American democracy!

First, *if* it is OK for our Government to kill this American, it would be OK to kill any American anywhere any time for any reason.

Example 10/19/2011: Anwar al-Awlaqi’s 16 year old US born son was also killed in Yemen in a drone strike ‘sanctioned’ by the US Government. As far as I can tell, he was not accused of anything at all.

This is just plain wrong!

Second, while I do not like hate speech, religious and political comments are always protected by our US Constitution. What would have prevented our Government from saying that Reverend Martin Luther King's 1967 anti-war statements gave aid and comfort to our enemies during wartime, and, therefore, designating him as a target for 'legal' assassination?

No evidence has ever been offered that cleric al-Awlaqi had any connection to Al-Qaeda. Information does exist that his opinion of the US changed from support to hostility when we attacked, invaded and occupied two sovereign Islamic Nations that did not attack or pose a threat to the US.

*if* this Cleric gave 'material support to terrorists', fine: arrest him and have him stand in a jury trial in open US court with real legal charges in front of a Judge where witnesses can be cross examined. But, even if found guilty, this charge does not carry the death penalty, nor should it.

Documents for the process used to decide who is a target and why are said to be State secrets. We were told not to worry because it is wartime, only a few Americans are on the ‘hit list’, and some lawyer said it was OK to kill them - but only if it is a clear life or death situation where the person cannot be arrested.

Finally, these actions give America an even worse name in the Arab and Muslim world. How can we claim to support Democracy abroad if we kill those of us we do not agree with? Isn’t that what the Rulers in Syria are doing right now, and what the Governments in Egypt and Libya did for 40 years?

Thank you for your time to read my letter,


Stephen Salgaller
338 Gerard Avenue
Elkins Park, PA 19027