Saturday, April 4, 2020

Ghosbusters: Afterlife (3) (2020); Scene 4A

Ghost-busters (2020); Scene 4A - (Revised 5/2019) – First Published by Stephen Salgaller on 2/16/2017

9 AM - Thursday Morning… United States Federal Court; Eastern District; New York City
Actual street address: 225 Cadman Plaza E, Brooklyn, NY 11201

Bailiff: "All rise; The United States Federal Court for the Eastern District is now in session; the Honorable [Dr.] Raymond Stantz, presiding."

Judge Stantz: bangs his gavel... "You may be seated. We have before us case # 110669; the People versus ELEANOR TWITTY; please bring in the defendant."

Permanent Detainee # S-179, an elderly ghost librarian, is lead into the courtroom.
You will remember her as the librarian from the opening scene in the 1984 original Ghost-busters. Per the actual movie's back-story, her name is Eleanor Twitty, and she holds a PhD...

Dr. Eleanor Twitty was the head librarian of the New York City Public Library and overseer of its collection of ancient artifacts, stone tablets, and otherwise forgotten parchments.

In March, 1924, Dr. Twitty went missing. The New York Police Department made every effort to find her, including repeated room-to-room searches of the underground library stacks where she was last seen - but she was never found —alive, that is.

Now she wanders the stacks of the New York City Public Library still organizing books and keeping louder library patrons shushed with a bony finger to the lips. By most reports she is still the same quaint and genteel-looking woman she was in life. Aggravate her, however, and she will transform into a rage-filled horror, and heaven help you if you have any overdue books.

She is played by an old Caucasian woman - someone like actress Lily Tomlin or Jane Fonda…

Wearing very heavy chains, she struggles to reach her seat.

Think of Jacob Marley in “The Christmas Carol” - Yes, as in that story, her chains do make noise!

She is followed by two MP’s - both carrying their own Raytheon brand-name backpack super-weapons - which look similar to the proton / plasma guns the Ghostbusters use, BUT more modern - and much more ominous.

Lynne Stewart, the NYC ACLU defense lawyer, [played by a British (or Australian) blonde, someone like actress Rebel Wilson or Alice Eve] jumps to her feet…

ACLU Lawyer: “Your Honor, I object! My client is being humiliated! It’s not necessary to force her to wear heavy inter-dimensional security chains. She’s an elderly, ‘living impaired’ woman, and not a threat to anyone.

[Pointing] I ALSO object to the pair of Military Police Officers; the men --- and their phase-disruptor back-pack super-weapons --- have no place in a civilian courtroom!”

The Government lawyer, Walter Peck, the same man who cut the power to the ghost containment field in the 1984 movie, stands up; since the EPA was effectively dismantled back in 2018, he now works for DHS…

IF possible, he is again played by actor William Atherton (CMU Drama School, class of 1971)

Peck: “Your Honor, detainee S-179 is a clear & present danger - and an imminent threat - to our National Security. You CANNOT remove her chains…  

More importantly, under our President’s Executive Order # 9066, US DoD, AG and DHS decisions regarding the “administrative” detention of dead people are un-reviewable, and cannot be challenged in any court… 

Finally, the detainee is an admitted lesbian. Under DOMA 2, we CAN hold her in custody - pending mandatory conversion therapy.”

ACLU Lawyer: “Your Honor, the Government knows that the portion of DOMA 2 dealing with gender issues was suspended by the 9th Circuit, pending a SCOTUS challenge of their stay later this year…

More importantly, our Supreme Court did rule that all detainees in our so-called "war on terror" CAN have their day in court - to challenge conditions of their confinement...

Your Honor, again, my client is NOT a threat to anyone! She has never even been accused of any crime… She’s only being held now because a few bad ghosts did cause troubles back in 1984 & 1989.”

Peck: “Your Honor, speaking of past troubles, you will recall that, back in 1984, Zuul, Gozer - the Gozerian, and The Stay Puft Marshmallow Man - DID cause mayhem and destruction here in New York City…”

ACLU: “You’re Honor, while the Government’s statements ARE true, Zuul and Gozer were “gods”, not ghosts – and Mr. Puft was just a big ‘bag’ of “puffed up” corn syrup…

Your Honor, I must also point out that, back in 1984, Mr. Peck himself objected to holding ghosts in detention... He even ordered that electric power to the ghost‘s confinement force field be turned off.”

Peck: “Your Honor, while I DID order Con Ed to turn the power off, it was because restraining ghosts is VERY dangerous! My concern was that the Ghostbusters’ makeshift ‘jail’ just wasn’t safe to be in our great city… This is why our Government set up the current ‘prison’ facility – outside of New York State entirely…

*I* must now point out that it was the Ghostbusters *themselves* who created the technology to capture and confine ghosts, .and. it was their interaction with Dr. Twitty – back in 1984 - while she was working at the New York Public Library – that gave them the information needed to perfect their ‘buster’ system.”

ACLU: “Your Honor, the Ghostbusters admit that they ARE, indirectly, responsible for the court case you are deciding today. They did not think about how their innovative electro-magnetic control hardware could eventually be used… 

While this is NO excuse, I point out that any technology can be used for good – or for bad… and, it was our Government, NOT the Ghostbusters, that gave the orders to unconstitutionally jail all ghosts…

[Thinking – Quickly catches herself]

Please understand that I 'm here today to petition the Court to allow Dr. Twitty to be released… not to argue the much larger question of public safety versus individual civil rights in a free society.”

FYI: If possible, Dan Aykroyd should play the judge.

Federal Judge Raymond Stantz: “Thank you both for your comments…

[To the ACLU Attorney for the ghost] Counselor Lynne Stewart, you were not in New York City back in the 1980’s, but I WAS! There WERE indeed some pretty bad ghosts, goblins and specters around, which we had to fight - since they DID cause harm to humans.”

ACLU: “Your Honor, I did watch both movie DVD’s in the box set showing what happened here in ‘84 & ’89…  

Weren’t most of the ghosts back then - men? … Your Honor, isn’t the Government painting with too broad a brush? By insinuation, they conflate my client with SOME bad ghosts… Isn’t that sort of like women who blame ALL men for real injustice carried out by a few bad guys?

You are a now a respected male judge; you once were a respected & admired male Ghostbuster… You ARE a GOOD man… I‘m NOT saying that all ghosts are good, but the Government IS saying that all ghosts are bad

This is simply NOT the way America is supposed to work – even in war-time…”

Peck: “Your Honor, the Government concedes that Dr. Twitty has not committed any crime – yet, BUT there is no ‘legal’ way to have her released…

Say she was an enemy alien; she COULD be deported back to her home nation, or home planet, but she was born here in America, so where can we send her?”

ACLU: Your Honor, it sounds like the Government IS now admitting that, *if* I could find a ‘legal’ way to have Eleanor released, they would not object (?)”

Peck: “Yes, your Honor.”

ACLU: … [Thinking] … “Your Honor, the Ghost-busters team at Hook & Ladder #8 is now a duly deputized part of FDNY… As such, they CAN “care” for sick, injured, or disabled citizens – even so-called ‘criminals’...

Your Honor, I petition this court to grant a temporary waiver to allow my client to work with the Ghostbusters on a matter vital to our safety & security…

You know that we are being threatened by some bad & mysterious ‘beings’ - who are creating pain & suffering in our fair City… Making a *LONG* story short, one clue to who they are - and what their motives for mayhem may be - exist in scrolls - written in ancient language of Atlantis...

[Quietly & briefly confers with her client]  Your Honor, to explain further, please permit my client to speak on her own behalf… as an expert witness in these matters.”

Judge: “An unusual request, but I grant your motion; Proceed…”

[Dr. Twitty is sworn in]

ACLU: “Dr. Twitty, please address the Judge & Court in your own words – about your ability to help us…”

Dr. Eleanor Twitty, PhD: [Said slowly and clearly] “Your Honor, I have studied languages, their origin, meaning, purpose and use, and I hold a PhD in this field (philology)…

As the [former – and still should be] head of the NYC Public Library System, part of my job is to help people better understand other societies and belief systems - with the objective of showing that we all have common goals, and a congruent purpose for our efforts to improve our lives, and the lives of others around us…

I understand that a woman named Mary - who is from a distant land - washed up on shore here in New York City a few days ago… Apparently, this is the SAME person who visited us here back in the 1980's…

I was also told that New York has just been subjected to some supernatural activities… The theory is that these two events are somehow interrelated… The Ghostbusters are trying to figure out why something strange – that “don’t look good” - is happening here in ‘our neighborhood’ – and how to return things to ‘normal’...

They also want to know what happened to Mary – to her homeland --- and, if possible, how to send her back where she belongs… wherever that might be…

Additionally, the Ghostbusters surmise that current events are eerily similar to the “Theory of Atlantis”… 

This concept is NOT just about where Atlantis was located, but, much more importantly - as a ‘lessons learned’ for us humans – as the question: WHY did Atlantis ‘die’???  

You see, Atlantis was an extremely advanced civilization, yet it vanished, almost overnight. The fear is that we will also soon ‘disappear ‘- from the same sort of calamity that befell them.

Clearly, the 'lost' sacred text writings from the people of Atlantis hold a key to solving all of these puzzles… 

Sadly, no one else on Earth knows how to read Atlantian… Even computers cannot help… 

This is because Atlantian is a living language --- The true meaning cannot be understood by a machine...

Alive – [points to the Judge] -- or dead [points to herself] - you must have an immortal soul to 'see' what’s really written….

I can provide the translation that they need - if you allow me to do so."

Judge: “Dr. Twitty, I actually DID study so-called “occult science” in college; so I am aware of how language itself can be a ‘living’ ‘being’… Also, my PhD thesis WAS on the subject of locating ‘lost’ civilizations – like the one on the continent of Atlantis – in the Atlantic – and Lemuria – in the Pacific.

 [Thinking] OK; I've heard enough… But, Mr. Peck - do you want to cross-examine the witness?”

Peck: “No need, your Honor. The Government concedes that Dr. Twitty – the witness – is an expert in ancient & extinct languages, but that ability does not change the fact that ELENOR TWITTY – the Defendant – is a potentially dangerous ghost.”

Judge: “Thank you, for your testimony, Dr. Twitty… You may step down and be seated..."

Peck: "Your Honor; before you rule, I need to disclose that I pushed to present this case in your Court because I expect you to decide in favor of the Government... You ARE, after all, a former Ghost-buster, so you’ve had to deal with those 'beings' * [points to the defendant] several times before..." ß possible conflict of interest here

Judge: [ignores the * clear insult to Dr. Twitty] A valid point… Council for the defendant; any objections?"

ACLU: "None your Honor. I agreed to have you hear this case because you’re the only Judge who would even consider my appeal... I trust you to be honest - in rendering an independent - and impartial decision - on whether or not to free my Client."

… … … The Judge reaches his decision … … …

Judge: “Mr. Peck, given that the defendant IS needed in this new fight against a threat to our National security, I am granting ‘bail’ to allow Dr. Twitty to help the Ghost-busters keep our City, State and Homeland safe.”

End Scene

Now, my story would only make sense IF:
EPA was, indeed, [effectively] dismantled, back in 2018...
America now ‘accuses’ people based on where they – or their ancestors - were born, or who they are, and even locks them up until the so-called war on ‘terror’ is over --- which means *never* ! (?)
FYI: This ALSO happened to 120,000 Americans by POTUS EO # 9066, back in 1942…
A mermaid [earth] named “Mary” (AKA 'Madison') did visit NYC back in 1984 - the same year as the first Ghost-busters movie came out.
Lily Tomlin admitted to be a lesbian…
Dan Aykroyd DID study occult science.
Actress Amy Schumer's Uncle *is* US Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY).
Actress and comedian Wanda Sykes DOES work for the USA National Security Agency.
The line between civilian police and military occupation has been blurred…So the military-industrial complex would develop super-weapons similar to the ones the Ghostbusters have.
The GOP intentionally passed DOMA 2 to try to win votes to sweep the upcoming 2020 elections… They KNOW that most of the law WILL be stuck down – eventually.

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